GROUPS at gather

Our groups have closed for the spring, but we’ll continue to have community events throughout the summer.

Be on the lookout for when our groups open back up in the fall!


Groups are open to all! You don’t have to be a member at Gather. You don’t have to have your faith or beliefs worked out. Just show up, be yourself, and make some friends at Gather.

What happens in a community group?

Groups are very casual and we promise never to assign homework. Each week the group will do a check-in with one another, will discuss the message & passage that was taught the previous Sunday, and will participate in a short time of guided prayer & meditation. Group leaders will have a discussion guide and questions to keep the conversation going. You won’t be required to share or participate and no one will put you on the spot.

When & Where are the groups meeting?

Groups are meeting for 12 weeks from the week of February 18th through May 1st with a break for Holy Week.

We have groups scheduled in The Heights on Mondays, Montrose on Thursdays, Garden Oaks on Thursdays, and Bellaire (Family Group) on a rotating schedule. Some of these groups may have childcare provided and/or we have recommended childcare providers and will help subsidize childcare costs. We want to help you get and stay connected.

Why do groups exist?

Just like on Sunday mornings, we want to provide safe spaces to encounter Divine love, build community, and work toward healing. If you want a space to share how you’re really doing, engage in meaningful conversation, and make good friends, then a group at Gather is for you!

Sign up below to be to get specific details on groups!

If you have any other questions about groups at Gather, email